Flat Foot Physiotherapy Treatment
Flat Foot is defined as loss of the medial longitudinal arch of the foot.
Flat Foot Types
Congenital | Acquired |
Causes | Causes And Varieties |
Calcaneovalgus foot | Traumatic: It is (fracture calcanous, traumatic, Pott’s fractures) |
Vertical talus deformity | Relaxed or static flat foot (commonest) |
Talocalcaneal bar | Rigid , fibrous or bony ankylosis from any causeSpasmodic; flat foot due to spasmodic contraction of the peroneal muscles. |
Congenital ligaments laxity |
Physiotherapy Measures
During period of immobilsation in POP cast
- Active movements of unaffected joints of hip, knee and ankle.
- Strengthen the intrinsic muscles of foot, strong toe flexion exercises.
During period of mobilization
- Foot is mobilized gradually
- Intrinsic foot muscles in form of toe curling, foot cupping, etc. are performed in warm water.
- Walking and standing on the outer border of the foot encouraged.